Cleaning & Organizing Pest Control Spider & Insect Control

All About Tarantula Hawks: Identification, Sting, and Removal

Illustration showing ways to prevent tarantula hawk wasps

The Spruce / Alex Dos Diaz

Tarantula hawk wasps are known for their painful stings, but you may be surprised to learn that, unlike many other species of wasps, they rarely sting humans—and they usually live alone rather than in colonies. The insect's common name, "tarantula hawk wasp" of the genera Pepsis and Hemipepsis, refers to its danger to tarantulas. These wasps paralyze the spiders to feed them to their young. Although the tarantula hawk wasp's sting is said to be the most painful of any insect found in North America, it is not aggressive to humans. The pain from the sting lasts an excruciating five minutes, but it is not dangerous unless you develop an allergic reaction.

What Is a Tarantula Hawk? 

Tarantula hawk wasps are large black desert wasps native to many countries, including the southern United States. This species is solitary and preys on spiders like tarantulas. This wasp is not hostile toward humans and not poisonous, but it is venomous.

Are Tarantula Hawks Dangerous?

Tarantula hawks are not dangerous. Most experts recommend that these wasps be left alone, as they don't cause damage and only sting when seriously provoked, stepped on, or brushed against. Even though they do not attack, a female may defend her burrow if threatened; only females will sting, so stay vigilant when outdoors. If you spot tarantula hawk wasps near your home, you can get rid of these insects and take preventative measures to keep them away from the house.

Tarantula Hawk Identification

The body of a tarantula hawk wasp is metallic blue-black and around 2 inches in length. It can have similarly colored wings or yellow-orange wings edged in black. Males have straight antennae, while females usually have curly antennae. These wasps have long, velvety black legs with hooked claws. Males do not have stingers, but females have stingers that measure 1/4 inch.

The veining in the wings is a distinctive characteristic of Pepsis, which is a helpful way to tell Pepsis and Hemipepsis apart.

A tarantula hawk wasp on a flower bud

Eric Lowenbach / Getty Images

A Tarantula Hawk Wasp perches on a milkweed

Thom_Morris / Getty Images

Tarantula Hawk Behavior

The tarantula hawk wasp is most active during the hot summer months, flying very low to the ground to search for prey. Tarantulas and other large spiders are only a food source for the tarantula hawk's brood. They are most active during the day, though they tend to go dormant during the extreme heat of mid-day.

Signs of Tarantula Hawk Wasps

If your area is known for having wild tarantulas and other large spiders, then tarantula hawk wasps are likely nearby.

Since tarantula hawk wasps are solitary, they aren't seen in swarms like social wasps. However, another sign that they may affect your home is if you have their favorite foods readily available. As adults, they eat flower nectar and juice from fruit and berries. They favor the nectar of milkweeds, soapberry trees, and mesquite trees.

3 Ways to Get Rid of Tarantula Hawk Wasps

Although it's recommended to leave tarantula hawk wasps alone, you can still attempt to get rid of them on your own. The methods are similar to removing other types of wasps.


Wear protective gear from head to toe, including long-sleeved shirts, pants, boots, gloves, a beekeeper's face veil (or respirator and goggles), and a hat. The best time to do this is nighttime when the wasps are least active.

Destroy the Nest Using Insecticide Powder (Most Effective)

The best method of removing tarantula hawk wasps near your home is to destroy the insect's nest. Take these steps:

  1. During the day, identify the location of the nest. Tarantula hawk wasps create burrows which appear as small holes in the ground, about 1 to 2 inches across. They often use the natural cavities in rocks and trees, and they also steal burrows from other insects or small animals. A constant presence of tarantula hawk wasps indicates an abundant food supply (or that a female has found a place to lay her eggs).
  2. Return at night when the wasps are least active. Use a carbaryl-based insecticide powder, putting it down inside the burrow's entrance.
  3. Cover the nest up with moist soil. Alternatively, you can use gasoline. Pour it into the hole, then quickly cover the opening with a wet towel. The insecticide or gasoline fumes will kill the wasps.
  4. Wait two days before digging out and disposing of the nest.

Create a DIY Trap

Another way to combat tarantula hawk wasps is to trap the wasp itself. This method is the fastest because these insects live alone, so capturing the wasp should solve the problem (unless your home is attracting additional wasps).

Here's how to make a homemade wasp trap for an organic, non-insecticide alternative:

  1. Cut the top off of a 2-liter bottle.
  2. Fill the trap with soda halfway to the bottle's opening and add a few drops of dish soap.
  3. Turn the top upside down without the cap, then place it inside the other half of the bottle to form a funnel. Wasps have an acute sense of smell and are attracted to citrus sodas like orange-flavored soda, lemon-lime soda, or brand names like Mountain Dew.
  4. Place the trap near the nest and watch as wasps go down the funnel, drink the soda, then drown. The soap reduces the surface tension of the water so the wasps can't crawl back out.

Encourage Natural Predators of Tarantula Hawk Wasps

Due to their extremely large stingers, tarantula hawk wasps have few predators. Only roadrunners and bullfrogs will take them on. However, roadrunners tend to be combative birds. Bullfrogs are mostly found near water habitats and rarely venture far into the dry, desert terrain where these wasps are found. Add a pond with plenty of vegetation to encourage local bullfrog populations to reside closer to your home. This plan can be effective if you live near water.

How to Prevent Tarantula Hawk Wasps

Tarantula hawk wasps have been known to seek cool indoor spaces during the heat of summer days. Take these steps to avoid them:

  • Seal all cracks and gaps in your home's structure (especially the foundation where they can dig burrows and slip through crevices).
  • Ensure that your doors and windows are well-fitted and screens are in good repair.
  • Repair gutters and cracks in the siding and underneath your home's crawl spaces.
  • Keep doors and windows shut, especially during the hottest part of the day.
  • Wear shoes in your yard so you don't accidently step on these ground-hunting wasps.

When to Call a Professional

If you see one tarantula hawk, you won't likely need to call a professional exterminator. But if you have a tarantula infestation inside your home, these wasps are finding cracks and crevices to get into your home. Licensed pest professionals can best identify pests and appropriate solutions to stop the infestation.

  • Are tarantula hawk wasps aggressive?

    Tarantula hawk wasps are not aggressive toward humans. These wasps may sting humans when stepped on, brushed up against, or when female wasps defend their nests.

  • Where do tarantula hawk wasps live?

    In the United States, tarantula hawk wasps live in southern regions and southwestern deserts. Around the globe, these wasps are native to desert regions on all continents, excluding Europe and Antarctica.

  • Do tarantula hawks only eat tarantulas?

    Tarantula hawks also eat nectar, pollen, and fruit.

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  1. The Most Painful Wasp Sting in the World Explained. Natural History Museum.

  2. Biting, Stinging and Venomous Pests: Insects. University of Arizona.

  3. Tarantula Hawk. National Park Service.

  4. Tarantulas and Tarantula Hawks. National Park Service.